Youth Group (SEFTY)

SEFTY is a wonderful opportunity for teenagers to become more involved in their Jewish community, and to become comfortable with other Jewish teenagers in the Boston area. Having grown up participating in many Jewish youth group events in the Boston area, our advisor can personally attest to the positive experience a youth group provides.

So what is SEFTY?
SEFTY (Shalom Emeth Federation of Temple Youth) is Shalom Emeth’s chapter of NFTY (North American Federation of Temple Youth), the nation-wide Jewish youth group. SEFTY participants will have three to four opportunities throughout the school year to participate in a regional event with other NFTY youth groups. Events might include a night at another Temple, a ski trip, or a dance with Jewish teenagers from all over New England, or a weekend long event in another state. In addition to these regional events, there will be several opportunities for SEFTY participants to perform community service, take part in an event with another nearby youth group, or spend an afternoon or evening with SEFTY participants alone.

Many events will include services, and/or discussions based around a central Jewish theme. SEFTY will often meet at TSE to discuss upcoming events, plan social action events, and of course—socialize while eating pizza!

The event calendar is planned throughout the year by SEFTY members. Please contact the Temple for more details.

Advisor: Alicia McGee